OTHER SELVES: A Journey of Gender, Fiction, Discovery, and Hope [ A collection of transgender speculative fiction ]

Other Selves: A Journey of Gender, Fiction, Discovery, and Hope.  A collection of 11 stories.

Other Selves: A Journey of Gender, Fiction, Discovery, and Hope. A collection of 11 stories.

Other Selves has been released as an e-book on amazon.com, and is available here:


The universe is full of possibilities, they say. From technological advances to human evolution, there are as many possible outcomes to our endeavors as there are stars in the sky. We are small specks of matter in the cosmos, but the scope of our dreams and hopes could easily touch the furthest reaches of space. This collection of speculative fiction examines and explores the human experience as it collides with technology. When people have the chance to create their own identities based on their needs and wants, and the ability to create their own ideal body is a possibility, the world begins to change. From exploring high fantasy landscapes with swords and magic, to the dark edges of outer space, we learn that the gender that we are born with is not limited and our biological destiny is not finite. These are the stories of our Other Selves.

This collection of 11 stories features characters from under the Transgender Umbrella, and has been made available as an ebook on July 4th, 2014.  A print version of the book will be released on July 31st.

I hope everyone enjoys the book.

-Amber Neko

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